Hands-on Rig Electrician Inspector

Hands-on Rig Electrician Program

Hands-on Rig Electrician Program

Hands-On Rig electrician training programs are considered to be a very specialized type of electrical training and may be offered as an advanced course, certification training program or as a separate degree or diploma program.

Most rig electrician training programs include both theoretical and practical components and require students to complete hands-on tasks so that they can demonstrate competence in their field. Students who successfully complete a rig electrician training program typically earn a certificate of completion or a diploma.

Some rig electrician training programs are several weeks in length, while others last up to 12 months or more and can be more of an advanced degree or diploma program. These types of training programs prepare students for offshore oil rig jobs and other drilling projects.

Rig Electrician Training Courses

Rig electricians acquire extensive knowledge and skills working with electrical motors, engines, wiring systems and different types of drilling equipment.

A good portion of these training programs involves learning about different types of electrical equipment and troubleshooting common problems associated with various types of machinery.

Some of the courses that are often included in a rig electrician training program include:

  • Power management of different types of generators
  • Elmagco brake systems
  • Drive systems
  • Instrumentation interface of various systems
  • Hazardous-area equipment selection and specifications
  • Generic maintenance procedures for different rig equipment
  • Installation and upgrades of various types of equipment
  • Fault analysis
  • Troubleshooting techniques

Most courses within this type of training program begin with an extensive overview of the different types of electrical equipment and common issues associated with drilling equipment and drilling units used in the industry today.

Completing Rig Electrician Training

Rig electrician training programs can be fairly comprehensive in scope and will give you a chance to work on dozens of different hands-on projects while you acquire different skills. Once you have completed all required coursework and training within this type of specialized program, you will be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Testing electrical equipment
  • Maintaining and repairing power generation and distribution systems
  • Maintaining and repairing DC and AC motors and control systems
  • Maintaining and repairing rig electrical circuits
  • Maintaining auxiliary rig electrical equipment
  • Maintaining and repairing small appliances of the rig system

Completing a rig electrician training program can also prepare students for training and careers in a number of other areas and fields, such as rig mechanics or drilling trades such as a roustabout, roughneck and derrick man.

The skills acquired in this type of training program are very specialized skills, and individuals can enjoy attractive job opportunities and high pay scales upon completion of the program.

Contact us to know more about our hands-on training This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London.




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